Wallpapers / wall murals in the corridors of a housing estate: large format printing on a special film with a structure imitating canvas. High aesthetics and ease of maintenance. Extremely high tack allows use such wallpaper on walls as well as other elements of equipment: cabinets, inspections or technical doors. Sticking wallpapers.
Wall mural is a type of decorative wallpaper that can be made of paper, vinyl with a non-woven backing or self-adhesive film on which various types of graphics, paintings or photographs are printed. Most often, these are large patterns that are placed on the entire wall or on its fragment, which creates a visually striking decoration. Photo wallpapers have become a very popular element of interior design, because they allow you to easily and quickly change the appearance of the room and give it a unique character.
In Poland, as in other countries, photo wallpaper printing has become very popular and available in many service points In this case, it is worth choosing an experienced company offering photo wallpaper printing Poland, which will ensure high quality and professional service.
Non-woven wallpapers are a traditional solution and can be used both in private and public spaces. Installation of such a photo wallpaper requires the use of special glue and skills, but the end result is very aesthetic and durable. Wall murals with self-adhesive film are easier to maintain. Such photo wallpapers are printed on a special, decorative film, which immediately adheres to the wall after removing the protection.
In the case of photo wallpaper printing in Poland, it is worth looking for a printing house offering a wide selection of patterns and individual projects tailored to the customer’s needs. Thanks to this, you can create a truly unique and personalised interior decoration that will perfectly match the style and character of the room. B52’s experience in gluing photo wallpapers is not without significance. Thanks to this, we are able to advise the technology and type of wallpaper.
Self-adhesive wallpapers Poland. Printing wallpapers. Installing wallpapers.
Wallpapers in the corridors. Wall murals. Putting up wallpapers. Wallpaper printing Poland.